10 Secrets to Mastering Any High School Test, 2nd Edition by Lee Wherry Brainerd Ricki Wingardner

By Lee Wherry Brainerd Ricki Wingardner

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2. Identify key phrases and words. Just as with the essay questions, you will find that underlining key words will often focus your attention. These key words will help you identify the type of information that should be included in 40 10 SECRETS TO ACING ANY HIGH SCHOOL TEST your answer. The key words in the short answer question are underlined below: How do the narrator’s future plans change after he sees the boy who got a job on a steamboat? Use details and information from the passage to support your answer.

You have now ensured that you have a set number of correctly answered questions. Also, this gets the test going on the right foot! Instead of feeling defeated, you are filled with confidence as you move to Phase II. Phase II Review the test, looking only at the questions that you skipped in Phase I. This time, use some of the methods you have learned to eliminate trick or unlikely answers and decoys. When doing this, you should: • identify and eliminate the answers that you know are definitely wrong or highly unlikely.

Read the question carefully to understand what it asks. Does this seem repetitive? Good, then you shouldn’t forget: When taking a test it is of the utmost importance that you carefully read all instructions and all questions. 2. Identify key phrases and words. Just as with the essay questions, you will find that underlining key words will often focus your attention. These key words will help you identify the type of information that should be included in 40 10 SECRETS TO ACING ANY HIGH SCHOOL TEST your answer.

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10 Secrets to Mastering Any High School Test, 2nd Edition by Lee Wherry Brainerd Ricki Wingardner
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