Acolytes of nature : defining natural science in Germany, by Denise Phillips

By Denise Phillips

Although the various functional and highbrow traditions that make up smooth technology date again centuries, the class of “science” itself is a relative novelty. within the early eighteenth century, the fashionable German notice that may later suggest “science,” naturwissenschaft, used to be now not even integrated in dictionaries. by means of 1850, notwithstanding, the time period was once in use all over the place. Acolytes of Nature follows the emergence of this significant new class inside German-speaking Europe, tracing its upward thrust from a trifling eighteenth-century neologism to a defining rallying cry of contemporary German culture.

Today’s inspiration of a unified average technological know-how has been deemed an invention of the mid-nineteenth century. but what Denise Phillips finds here's that the belief of naturwissenschaft acquired a popular position in German public existence numerous many years prior. Phillips uncovers the evolving outlines of the class of typical technological know-how and examines why Germans of various social station and highbrow commitments got here to discover this label precious. An increasing schooling approach, an more and more bright customer tradition and concrete social existence, the early levels of industrialization, and the emergence of a liberal political flow all essentially altered the realm within which knowledgeable Germans lived, and in addition reshaped the best way they categorised knowledge.

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An enlightened Naturforscher examined nature with an eye to serving the public weal, but his eye was neither cold nor calculating, even when it measured and counted. A taste for nature and a concern for utility were not opposing values in late eighteenthcentury Germany; indeed, they were not necessarily formally distinct. 26 A Naturkenner knew more about nature than other people did; he or 33 CHAPTER 1 she also had a special emotional, spiritual, and aesthetic relationship to the natural world.

39 Economic improvement was not just a concern for those working inside the state; it was a joint project of state officials and other members of Germany’s emerging civil society. Enlightened journals and patriotic-economic societies carried this banner, too. On the educational front, private academies multiplied alongside state-sponsored ones. 43 In formal philosophical terms, the Enlightenment’s new practical sciences were distinct from those parts of natural philosophy and natural history that dealt only with the structure and description of objects.

Proper” natural science needed the apodictic certainty that came with laws that could be formulated a priori, and chemistry and natural history, which in Kant’s view were just experiential (albeit still valuable) forms of knowledge, could never aspire to reach these heights. 20 31 CHAPTER 1 With these two books juxtaposed, one might try to claim that in the mid-1780s, German thinkers were already engaged in a full-fledged debate about how to define a novel concept, modern natural science. That would be anachronistic for several reasons.

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Acolytes of nature : defining natural science in Germany, by Denise Phillips
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