By Laurence Schwesinger Berlie
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Org; Prickett, 2003) Safe Climate, Sound Business: In 1998, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and General Motors Corporation (GM) announced a collaboration to identify measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while preserving the economy. Called Safe Climate, Sound Business, this joint project aims to offer a long-term vision favouring climate protection, as well as technologies and policies relating to this. One of the goals of this project was to publish their results, conclusions and recommendations in order to promote dialogue and ideas on climate change.
The professionalism and credibility of NGOs has increased; if NGOs were not powerful, the need to form partnerships with them would not be felt. Their influence on society and governments, their knowledge, their ability to manage problems in ways that are different yet complementary to that of companies and their ability to lead destructive campaigns against firms has led businesses to considering forming partnerships with NGOs. com - licensed to University of California-CDL - PalgraveConnect - 2011-04-20 Corporate–NGO Alliances Alliances for Sustainable Development Both for businesses and NGOs, an alliance is fundamentally the result of a gamble about the future which makes them think that this engagement will be beneficial.
NGO strategy is based on the choice of their role in society. com - licensed to University of California-CDL - PalgraveConnect - 2011-04-20 20 21 or try to promote changes, bearing in mind that silence and inaction only strengthen the actions of governments and markets (Salm, 1999). 71 These pioneer NGOs colonise new spaces of action. , first-mover benefit). 73 This shows that there is growing recognition of the strategic relevance of sustainable development and alliances. This also suggests that the transgressors of the 1990s and early twenty-first century may be starting to change the system.
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