By Traditionsverband der Ehemaligen Dritten Panzer-Division
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Oberst Munzel, who was still employed in infantry operations at Iwanowka, had to turn over his command to Hauptmann von Prittwitz. He returned to Orel and made arrangements for the return of the elements of his regiment that were still in outposts around the city. They started moving toward Kharkov on 10 March, in some cases in horse-drawn transport. All tanks and vehicles in need of repair were loaded on trains at Kursk, to be sent to Prague for repair. On 11 March, the division received orders from the field army to assume command of the sector manned by the 294.
Soldier homes were opened and, more importantly, leave trains started rolling towards the homeland. The first train departed on 16 April and not a week passed after that that did not see soldiers of the division on their way home. The following members of the division were awarded the German Cross in Gold for bravery in the face of the enemy in the recent past: Oberleutnant Mente (Schützen-Regiment 3), Leutnant Schiller (Schützen-Regiment 394), and Oberfeldwebel Wacker (Panzer-Regiment 6). Another source of welcome news for the soldiers was the fact that the capital of Berlin officially “sponsored” the division on 8 May 1942.
For the first time in quite some time, the divisional artillery was able to fire for longer periods that day. The heavy howitzer battery had all three of its guns in positions and engaged the Russian artillery at Roshedsnoje with visible success. The next day saw radiant weather, which also brought with it a resurgence of enemy air activity. The enemy’s aerial attacks focused mostly on Bairak. The tank battalion’s fuel dump went up in flames. There were no major engagements, however. Patrols determined that the Russians were digging in everywhere and withdrawing forces from their positions.
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