By Association for Jewish studies
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For an in-depthdiscussion of the books on hasidic behavioralpatterns,see Gries, Sifrut ha-hanhagot. 143. SH, f. 2a, 105b, 153a, 154a, 314b. 144. SH, f. 62b. Cf. The kabbalistshould preparean amulet in a clean room. He must be alone in this room. Divine sparkshave no place in the darkrealms of SH-perhaps this is one of the reasons that in SH there are no traces of a joyous spiritualityso characteristicof BeshtianHasidism. VII. CONCLUSIONS Hillel was both a typical and an atypical ba'al shem. '49 In his mind, these powers were ubiquitous, as in the Weltanschauungof the famous kabbalist Shimshon of Ostropolie (d.
These are the opening lines from ElizabethBishop's "The ImaginaryIceberg:" We'dratherhavetheicebergthanthe ship, Althoughit meanttheendof travel. Althoughit stoodstock-stilllikecloudyrock 252 RuthAlmog's TheInner Lake Andall thesea weremovingmarble. 8 Bishop does not remainoutside the text; she is the narrator's"mostbeloved poet" (IL 25), and halfwaythroughthe Notebook of the Swan, we find a directreference to the imaginaryiceberg. Here the narratoragrees with Bishop's final affirmation that "Icebergsbehoove the soul" (IL 43).
See Werblowsky,Joseph Karo, 73. 123. SH, f. Ib. A Jew can become an apostate;a demon can appearto the Jews disguisedas a scribeor even as a ba'al shem;good angels become evil as a resultof a mere change of the orderof lettersin theirnames. 125 The permeabilityof the antitheticalrealms representsa constant threatto simple folk. As in the case of Macbeth'switches, it is difficult, if at all possible, to distinguishbetweenfairandfoul in Hillel's shamanicbeliefs. The threatof an eruption of evil powersinto the mattersof this world makes life dangerousand people suspicious.
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