Beyond Nationalism: A Social and Political History of the by Istvan Deak

By Istvan Deak

Within the final seventy years of its lengthy and unique lifestyles, the Habsburg monarchy used to be stricken by the forces of emerging nationalism. nonetheless, it preserved family peace and supplied the stipulations for social, monetary, and cultural growth in an unlimited region inhabited through 11 significant nationalities and nearly as many confessional teams. This examine investigates the social foundation, schooling, education, code of honor, way of life, and political position of the Habsburg officials. at the same time conservative and liberal, the officer corps, initially composed generally of aristocrats, willingly coopted millions of commoners--among them a unprecedented variety of Jews. Even in the course of global struggle I, the military and its officials persisted, surviving the dissolution of the nation in October 1918, if purely through a number of days. the top of the multinational Habsburg military additionally marked the tip of confessional and ethnic tolerance in significant and East valuable Europe.

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In time, a fundamental and lasting division emerged between those Habsburg possessions in which the Hofkriegsrat was more or less free to raise recruits and those, such as Hungary, Transylvania, "Civil Croatia," the Tyrol, and the Austrian Netherlands (after 1714), in which recruitment and military appropriations remained the privilege of the local diets. There were, in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, some great Habsburg captains, such as Wallenstein, who served the Habsburg throne in the Thirty Years' War, and Count Raimondo Montecuccoli, who defeated the Turks at St.

When questioned, some reported that they were "from here" or indicated a province or a county as their fatherland. Millions spoke two or more languages indiscriminately. That a large proportion of the monarchy's inhabitants were uncertain of their nationality or were ready to change it instantly is suggested by the vastly different and contradictory ethnic statistics published in the successor states after 1918. This means that despite the undoubted honesty of the monarchy's census-takers and statisticians, all data regarding nationality must be treated with skepticism.

In addition, each infantry regiment had had the obligation to surrender two companies of select tall soldiers to the special Grenadier battalions, made up of men from several regiments. The Grenadiere rarely served in the same place as the first, second, or third battalions of their own regiments. * Small wonder, then, that when the war was finally over and the Austrian military historians had to account for the events, they invariably found some units, no matter how small, from each regiment which had fought for and not against the emperor.

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Beyond Nationalism: A Social and Political History of the by Istvan Deak
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