Boundaryless Careers and Occupational Wellbeing by M. Cortini, G. Tanucci, E. Morin

By M. Cortini, G. Tanucci, E. Morin

This book presents a topical consideration of the demanding situations posed through the transition to extra transitority employment preparations as we flow from an commercial to a knowledge-based financial system.

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To evaluate the role of job factors in explaining adjustment strategies, we considered all the possible combinations. For each dependent variable (role innovation and skill change) we ran six hierarchical regression analyses, using the kind of transition as moderator variable. At step 1 control variables were introduced (gender and work experience) because of their importance for organizational socialization. At step 2 we introduced the predictor (job factor) and moderator (kind of transition).

Ruble, R. D. & Seidman, E. (1996). Social transitions: Windows into social psychological processes. In E. T. Higgins & A. W. ) Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles (830–856). NY, US: Guilford Press. Saks, A. , Uggerslev, K. , & Fassina, N. E. (2007). Socialization tactics and newcomer adjustment: A meta-analytic review and test of a model. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 70, 413–446. , & Moens, G. (2001). A psychometric valuation of a Dutch version of the Job Content Questionnaire and of a short direct questioning procedure.

The total score of each subscale is equal to the sum of their items. g. g. I like the predictability that comes with working continuously for the same organization). The scale is on a five-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree). The total score of each subscale is equal to the sum of their items. Biographical data were recorded as well: gender (male vs. female), age, marital status (single vs. married), tenure, type of work (blue collar vs. white collar), type of contract (permanent vs.

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Boundaryless Careers and Occupational Wellbeing by M. Cortini, G. Tanucci, E. Morin
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