Building Successful Online Communities: Evidence-Based by Robert E. Kraut, Paul Resnick

By Robert E. Kraut, Paul Resnick

Author note: Sara Kiesler (Contributor)

Online groups are one of the preferred locations on the net, yet no longer all on-line groups are both winning. for each flourishing fb, there's a moribund Friendster--not to say the ratings of smaller social networking websites that by no means attracted sufficient contributors to be conceivable. This e-book deals classes from concept and empirical learn within the social sciences which can aid increase the layout of on-line groups.

The social sciences can let us know a lot approximately tips to make on-line groups thrive, providing theories of person motivation and human habit that, accurately interpreted, can tell specific layout offerings for on-line groups. The authors draw at the literature in psychology, economics, and different social sciences, in addition to their very own study, translating basic findings into necessary layout claims. They clarify, for instance, easy methods to motivate info contributions in accordance with the speculation of public items, and the way to construct members' dedication according to theories of interpersonal bond formation.

For each one layout declare, they provide assisting facts from thought, experiments, or observational studies.The publication makes a speciality of 5 high-level layout demanding situations: beginning a brand new group, attracting new individuals, encouraging dedication, encouraging contribution, and regulating misbehavior and clash. via organizing their presentation round those primary layout gains, the authors motivate practitioners to think about possible choices instead of easily adapting a characteristic visible on different websites.

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2009). Participants were more persuaded by the avatar when it mimicked their head movements. 4). We also like others who are more physically attractive or have other desirable traits (Eagly et al. 1991). The physical attractiveness increases persuasion and compliance (Eagly and Chaiken 1975). It is for this reason that so many advertisements in print, television, and the web use images of attractive people to sell their products (Baker and Churchill 1977). There are many other sources of appeal besides physical attractiveness and similarity.

7). 7 Revisions made to articles by project members and nonmembers before, during, and after a Collaboration of the Week (Zhu, Kraut, and Kittur In press). in the collaboration of the week. In particular, people who have participated in collaborations of the week then go on to engage in what organizational scholars call “organizational citizenship behavior,” those behaviors vital to group functioning that aren’t explicit parts of people’s job descriptions. For example, in Wikipedia, in contrast with tasks like editing the main body of the articles, citizenship behaviors include fighting vandalism, maintenance work, and clean-up work.

2008. Managing Online Forums: Everything You Need to Know to Create and Run Successful Community Discussion Boards. New York: AMACOM Books. Powazek, D. M. 2002. Design for Community: The Art of Connecting Real People in Virtual Places. Indianapolis: Pearson Technology. Preece, Jenny. 2000. Online Communities: Designing Usability and Supporting Sociability. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Rising, Linda. 2001. Design Patterns in Communications Software. Cambridge: Cambride University Press. Schwartz, M.

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