Burnside Groups: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the by S. I. Adian (auth.), Jens L. Mennicke (eds.)

By S. I. Adian (auth.), Jens L. Mennicke (eds.)

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W ( Norm(2, X, 9) ( K1 X + Y C l a s s i f i c a t i o n s of periodic words We shall say that an o c c u r r e n c e of rank 2 if the o c c u r r e n c e (22). In this case if V2 flIV2; P[A-I]n-t-IA2IQ,Y]) is the image of VI in stable in the r e v e r s a l X + Y is stable in the simple r e v e r s a l in (22), then the o c c u r r e n c e image of is said to be thc V is X, pAtAIQ] VI = fl[V; This image of a stable o c c u r r e n c e X ÷ Y V in the reversal is u n i q u e l y defined. X ÷ Y .

I0). 2 . 9). I. 7. 2 . Y is a or t o q-reversal q-reversals For the precise definition 2 (a)-(e) of rank Let of the real reversals V of rank P2 Norm(2, X, n-88) 2 i of it. 8. 2 We denote by if V E Norm(2, X, 9) Act(2, X) the set of all X . 9. of rank in a given word V E Norm(2, the number of kernels properties in rank = ~ . 8. 22). The basic properties properties of rank y-i . Some of the cascades of rank Adian X E P2 of rank 2 of real reversals (a)-(f) of the same notions in the word 2 of it has this property.

194,33; I], Izv. Akad. C. H. S. I. Adjan] (1968b), "0 deoKoHeHHsIX nepHoAHHeCHHX npynnax. II" [Infinite periodic groups. Ser. Mat. 32, 251-524; Math. USSB-Izv. 2, 241-479 (1969). 194,33; II], Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSB MR39#1532b; RZ [1969], 4A170. C. H. S. I. Adjan] (1968c), "@ 6eeHoHeHHSlX nepHoAH~ec~Hx Fpynnax. IIl" [Infinite periodic groups. SSSR Set. Mat. 194,33; MR39#1532a; RZ [1969], 4A169. III], Izv. Akad. Nauk Math. USSR-Izv. 2, 665-685 (1969). MR39#1532c; RZ [1969], 4A171. ~. Ju. 01'~anski~] (1970), "0 npodneme HOHeHHOFO @a3mca ToH~eCTB B Fpyonax" [On the problem of a finite basis for the identities of groups], IZV.

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Burnside Groups: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the by S. I. Adian (auth.), Jens L. Mennicke (eds.)
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