By François Dupuy (auth.)
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This is precisely what administrative organizations, to confine ourselves to their case only, have sought to avoid at all costs. It helps us to understand their fierce resistance to switching to a different way of working, for this would suddenly ‘rob them’ of their protection, from users now turned into clients, from their peers who now become colleagues. , other people. Even if the possibilities of avoiding this were far fewer, the temptation has always been just as great in the market sector.
And, indeed, when a manager says: ‘For the trade unionists, it’s the chaos that creates the jobs, and they tell me that they make a mess so as to make work for the cleaning company’, it’s clear that this is yet another step – a step too far? – in the destruction of the working community. How to retain control by dramatizing the situation But that is not the end of the story, for it can be a fascinating illustration of how a social system can ‘snowball’ out of control. In the breakdown of this human community lurks the danger that some employees might drift away from the logic of the trade union and its environment.
The ones above them just go on saying “just get on with it”…’ What strikes one is that, leaving aside a small minority that benefited from the situation, no one seemed happy with it. None of the actors expressed the slightest enthusiasm, or indeed cynicism, about things, just a deep sense of resignation, a great deal of passiveness, and above all distrust of the other parties. As so often happens, the system here was caught in a never-ending lose-lose spiral: managers thought that there was nothing they could do, trapped between a base that had grown all-powerful thanks to the ‘don’t make waves’ syndrome, and the operatives themselves, who could not understand why nothing was being done to break out of this rut.
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