Cannibals With Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century by John Elkington

By John Elkington

It is a definition of the ''triple backside line'' of revenue, environmental sustainability and social accountability. it truly is according to the auhthor's first-hand adventure with businesses who've realised that those are the forces that form the way forward for enterprise.

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But what happens if, and when, China takes over as the world’s largest economic and, very possibly, political superpower? Is Capitalism Sustainable? ” The Chinese know that fundamental uncertainty is among the worst things we can experience. Capitalism, in short, has a future but for most of us the next couple of decades will be extremely interesting times. And the early decades of the 21st century will be even more “interesting” for the corporate brain because of the failure of most corporate advisers to understand — and alert their clients to — the profound, inevitable implications for their clients of the impending sustainability revolution.

1. The early focus on nightmares and doomsday scenarios has given way over the years to a new interest in the question of how we can shape and harness the dreams and ambitions of ordinary citizens to the sustainability crusade. There has also been a significant shift from the externalization of environmental and other triple bottom line costs to their progressive internalization by business. In the process, the baton has passed from project development professionals, through process engineers and new product development experts, to the very top levels of companies; those involved with strategy, investor relations, and, as explained in Chapter 11, the intimate workings of the board.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. World Commission on Environment and Development, Our Common. Future, Oxford University Press, 1987. Fortune, 15 April 1996, page 26. Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man, Hamish Hamilton, 1992. Steve Liesman, “Post-communist bankers sing a capitalist tune,” Wall Street Journal Europe, 15 July 1996. Robert Kuttner, Everything for Sale: The virtues and limits of markets, Alfred A. Knopf, 1997. Irwin Stelzer, “Capitalism under fire,” Sunday Times, 17 March 1996.

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