Catalogue of White Dwarfs by A.G. Agayev, O.H. Guseinov, H.I. Novruzova

By A.G. Agayev, O.H. Guseinov, H.I. Novruzova

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OO4O R. l8_7" lO' K n"59"'6 Jl 12':'05 23"51"5 f G 165 • 35 11~ 11':'70 R 826A '" '" ". 5 " 10' K l3':'4 " " ~ 37 CATALOGUE OF WHITE DWARFS White Dwarfs. Photometry No. 54 10 38 A. G. AGAYEV ET AL. I continued) No. '0 70 15':'50 16':'92 16':'85 16':'92 16':'99 17':'38 35 10 0':'21 -0':'55 10 39 CATALOGUE OF WHITE DWARFS ( continued) No. 09 14':'14 0':'17 ~0':'58 13':'86 14':'03 ~0':'05 ~0':'88 10 35 39 10 35 ~0':'58 15':'35 15':'26 10 35 17':'06 ~0':'65 10 82 83 14':'48 13':'79 13':'71 13':'78 10 35 9':'52 84 15':'65 1':'05 0':'32 10 85 9':'52 9':'50 0':'03 ~0':'68 10 35 87 15':'63 0':'16 ~0':'53 10 88 16':'62 0':'14 ~0':'57 10 89 15':'32 ~0':'105 ~1':'08 44 90 14':'29 ~0':'02 ~0':'84 10 10 10':'05 9':'87 9':'30 9':'29 86 91 15':'4 15':'7 15':'7 14':'02 ~0':'09 ~0':'97 13':'0 12':'45 12':'37 0':'33 ~0':'49 13':'95 13':'88 0':'33 14':'18 14':'23 ~0':'03 15':'94 0':'65 92 93 94 95 96 12':'29 12':'31 12 m45 12':'60 12':'80 10 35 12':'58 13':'55 13':'97 14':'04 14':'33 10 35 14~'73 14':'02 13':'91 14':'01 10 35 ~0':'69 ~0':'89 10 5 59 ~0':'06 15':'8 15':'78 97 98 14':'10 99 14':'83 100 13':'82 13':'86 101 ~0':'99 0':'14 ~0':'65 ~0':'15 15':'52 15':'28 14':'68 14':'62 14':'55 35 15':'40 15'~'23 14':'71 14':'63 14':'53 35 14':'40 13':'60 13':'48 13':'35 10 35 16':'05 15':'96 16':'04 16':'31 2 35 10 ~1~'04 16':'0 15':'95 102 0':'65 ~0':'09 16':'6 16':'10 40 A.

DAwk DC? 97 38 32 A. G. AGAYEV ET AL. ( continued) No. Name of star Ci 1950 <>1950 Sp. '21 35 22 EO 138 G24-9 20hllmg 6'34' DC? DC 407 BPM 26734 20 h 18m3 -58-31' DC? 0122 Ro 50 10 9 35 33 CATALOGUE OF WffiTE DWARFS (continued) No. Name of star lX 1950 h19S0 Sp. OI40R. 'O DC DC DO? 0093R. OI53R. 0145R. 0180R. 4 x IO'K 50'39'4 0187-16 HS logR/R. 36 log I}. 25 18'49'1 26'19'6 or ()e 50 10 34 A. G. AGA YEV ET AL. (continued) No. Name of star (%1950 bl950 Sp. 6 x 10' K 20°45' DC DC? 0131 Ro 50 10 9 447 BPM27606 21 b 53 m5 -51'14' DC?

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Catalogue of White Dwarfs by A.G. Agayev, O.H. Guseinov, H.I. Novruzova
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