Ciceron, Topica (LAT-IN) BB by David L. Cannon, Timothy S. Bergmann, Brady Pamplin

By David L. Cannon, Timothy S. Bergmann, Brady Pamplin

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22 So in an argument which moves from general information of the sort which in principle could come from a syncretistic handbook account to something like an eyewitness’s report of an 22 There is not a shred of evidence from elsewhere for a Peripatetic concern for the u‘ p osiB in this time. 23 It seems less awkward to assume that Philo himself sought to exploit the great name of Aristotle on behalf of his rhetorical project than to suspect Cicero himself of having included the Peripatetics here.

Itself, sometimes more likely to reflect some sort of handbookaccount. However, he is an author who largely resists sourceanalysis. This is due to his command of the subject and to his working method, which involved drawing on as much material as possible and combining freely whatever seemed worth being handed down. , and Martianus Capella, Isidore, and Cassiodorus, who discuss Cicero’s loci,26 either depend on the Topica directly or on each other. In the whole of the Greek rhetorical tradition, I have found only one text important for our purposes, namely the Anonymus Seguerianus, to be treated separately in the next chapter.

It is likely, then, that in de Orat. Cicero is using material he had retained from the rhetorical teachings of Philo (so also Brittain 2001: 339–40), and that he is reproducing this material in the third part of the Topica. And to restate a point made above: that in the context of de Orat. 3  siB are, quite contrary to the practice of the rhetorical schools, argued on both sides (rather than either attacked or defended) suggests that Philo turned the Academic dialectical practice of in 14 Introduction utramque partem dicere into a rhetorical exercise.

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Ciceron, Topica (LAT-IN) BB by David L. Cannon, Timothy S. Bergmann, Brady Pamplin
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