Daum's boys: Schools and the Republic of Letters in early by Alan S. Ross

By Alan S. Ross

This hugely unique e-book is the 1st in-depth learn of a footsoldier of the seventeenth-century German Republic of Letters. Its topic, the German polymath and schoolteacher Christian Daum, is this present day virtually thoroughly forgotten, but he left at the back of one of many greatest inner most data of any early smooth ecu pupil. at the foundation of this designated resource, the ebook portrays faculties as focal issues of a complete global of Lutheran studying outdoors of universities and courts, as locations not only of schooling yet of extreme scholarship, and examines their importance for German culture.

Protestant Germany was once various from Catholic France and Protestant England in that its community of small towns fostered academic and cultural festival and made attainable a far higher and socially open Republic. This ebook permits us for the 1st time to appreciate how the Republic of Letters was once created from less than and the way it used to be attainable for people from particularly humble backgrounds and occupations to be on the centre of eu highbrow life.

This booklet is geared toward different experts in addition to postgraduate scholars within the fields of historical past, schooling and gender stories, and will additionally function an advent to fresh ecu literature on early sleek scholarship for undergraduate scholars.

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Huppert, Public Schools in Renaissance France (Urbana/Chicago, 1984); and J. A. Hoeppner Moran, The Growth of English Schooling 1340–1548: Learning, Literacy and Laicization in Pre-ReformationYork Diocese (Princeton, 1985). -M. Compère, Les Collèges français 16e-18e siècles, 3 vols (Paris, 1984–2003);W. Frijhoff and D. Julia, École et société dans la France d’Ancien Régime (Paris, 1975); D. Julia, ‘Les Sources de l’histoire de l’éducation et leur exploitation’, Revue française de Pédagogie 27 (1974), 22–42; D.

Kittelson, ‘Successes and failures in the German Reformation: The report from Strasbourg’, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 53 (1982), 153–75; G. Strauss, ‘Success and failure in the German Reformation’, Past & Present 67 (1975), 30–63; G. 2 (1988), 191–206. 19 O. , Die älteste Zwickauer Schulordnung 1523: Faksimiledruck der ‘Ordnung dess Nawen Studii und yetzt auffgerichten Collegii und Fürstlicher Stadt Zwickau’ (Zwickau, 1923). 20 For an introduction to recent approaches to the history of universities, see W.

38 This point is further explored in A. S. Ross, ‘“Da hingegen bei uns fast ein jedes Land und Ort sich ein besonderes machet”: Zentrum und Peripherie im bildungsgeschichtlichen Kontext am Beispiel der kursächsischen Stadt Zwickau im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert’, Historisches Jahrbuch 131 (2011), 269–89. Introduction 21 39 S. Ehrenpreis,‘Erziehung und Schulwesen zwischen Konfessionalisierung und Säkularisierung: Forschungsprobleme und methodische Innovationen’, in Erziehung und Schulwesen zwischen Konfessionalisierung und Säkularisierung: Forschungsperspektiven, europäische Fallbeispiele und Hilfsmittel, ed.

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