Defining Moments: Navigating Through Business and by P. Shaw

By P. Shaw

Our lives are jam-packed with defining moments, yet can we realize them? We frequently fail to understand the importance of those moments. At paintings the strain might be relentless and we will fail to take pleasure in these moments. the writer indicates the right way to know and relish those moments, which in flip is helping us to raised cope in the course of more challenging occasions.

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Standing back can also be about pausing, taking breath and letting our unconscious do the thinking. It can include observing our emotional reactions to different situations and using that input as valuable data. Bernard’s story Bernard was always very focused. He led his team well; he and they were always task oriented. Bernard had a strong track record of delivery; he was clear what he wanted and set out to achieve his targets with tremendous energy. But he caused considerable irritation to other people.

He is grateful for people’s encouragement and was touched when he was strongly supported after making a silly mistake. Harvey had expected to be criticized but was reassured by words of support from his boss, who admitted that a similar thing had happened to him. It was a pleasant surprise to Harvey that there could be such humanity and support in so competitive an environment. Jane had taught generations of children and was now Head Teacher at a school on a demanding housing estate. The pressures seemed relentless.

Amanda was able to articulate those attributes she admired in Zoe and those she was less sure about. She knew which aspects of Zoe’s approach she wanted to embrace and which she wanted to be wary of mirroring. Amanda was conscious that because they worked closely together she was very likely to be embracing some of the approaches, both good and bad, of Zoe whether she liked it or not. It can be well worth standing back and reflecting on the leadership style and impact of people you work with. Questions to ask yourself about somebody you work with might be: ■ What do I admire about their approach?

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