Designing for Situation Awareness: An Approach to by Mica R. Endsley

By Mica R. Endsley

This ebook is directed at human elements researchers and practitioners who're engaged in designing structures to aid scenario information (SA) in a wide selection of parts and is liberally illustrated with real layout examples.

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For example, in one aircraft display a large ring of uncertainty was drawn around the location of aircraft symbols whose locations were determined from low reliability sensor data. This led to the unintended consequence of drawing the pilot's attention toward this less certain information and making it seem more important than other aircraft displayed that were based on more certain information and thus had much smaller circles around them, when the opposite effect was actually desired. Misplaced salience is an important SA demon to avoid in system design.

Expectations also providc a vital function as a shortcut in mental processing in information perceived. People have devclopcd this efficiency mechanism to cnablc them to process the large volume of data in thc world. Without this shortcut, working memory would be overloaded in acquiring and interpreting information from the world around us. Because pcoplc can help the process of interpreting the world by using cxpcctations, they havc more mental resources left for other cognitively challenging processes.

At the root of this problem is that complexity makes it difilcult for people to form sufficient internal representations of how these systems work. 6). 6 Colnplexity creep: systems with too Inally features make it difficult for a person to develop an accurate mental model of how the system works. Complexity is a subtle SA demon. While it can slow down the ability of peoplc to take in information, it primarily works to undermine their ability to correctly interpret the information presented and to project what is likely to happen (Levels 2 and 3 SA).

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Designing for Situation Awareness: An Approach to by Mica R. Endsley
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