Dictatorship in History and Theory by Peter Baehr, Melvin Richter

By Peter Baehr, Melvin Richter

Bringing jointly the paintings of historians and political theorists to check the complicated relationships between 19th century democracy, nationalism, and authoritarianism, this learn can pay unique consciousness to the careers of Napoleon I and III, and of Bismarck. an immense contribution is attention of not just the momentous episodes of coup d'etat, revolution, and imperial starting place which the Napoleonic period heralded, but additionally the contested political language with which those occasions have been defined and assessed. Political thinkers have been confronted with a battery of recent terms--"Bonapartism," "Caesarism," and "Imperialism" etc...--with which to outline their period.

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When forced by his interlocutors to discuss this, he threw up another obstacle: Suppose he did have the right to name his successor or to nominate 15 Roederer Papers: Archives Nationales (hereafter A. ) 29 AP 75: circular by Roederer to prefects, 25 flor´eal X; A. N. AF IV 1432, dossier 3: Execution de l’arrˆet´e du 20 flor´eal X; Rapport au Consuls, 8 thermidor X. From Consulate to Empire 35 one to the Senate, whom could he choose? Second Consul Cambac´er`es, for all his loyalty, sagacity, and manifest competence, would not do, and no one ever suggested otherwise.

Within its narrow terms, the debate became highly animated and required four sittings, after the Council finished its ordinary business, to wind down. 22 More significantly, the seven dissenters refused to sign the address drawn up by Regnaud, claiming that they had been expressly invited to offer their individual opinions. If the majority signed Regnaud’s address, the minority would draft a counter address, which might leak and embarrass the government. When Bonaparte heard of this impasse, he asked that each member individually submit his opinion to him in writing.

6 million citizens had turned out to endorse the Constitution of the Year VIII. 1 million “Yes” votes. 6 million “Yes” votes was essentially honest and accurate. The wait-and-see attitude that many French citizens prudently adopted in 1800 (the attentisme that had become a habit after so many abrupt political changes) seems to have yielded to genuine acceptance. 14 11 Thibaudeau, Bonaparte, 232–3. , 233. 13 Claude Langlois, “Le Pl´ebiscite de l’An VIII, ou le coup d’´etat du 18 pluviˆose an VIII,” Annales historiques de la R´evolution franc¸aise (1972), 43–65, 231–46, 391–415.

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Dictatorship in History and Theory by Peter Baehr, Melvin Richter
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