Different thinking : creative strategies for developing the by Anja Foerster; Peter Kreuz

By Anja Foerster; Peter Kreuz

Demonstrates how businesses can imagine creatively while generating new services for his or her customers.

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Or think of underwear manufacturer Bruno Banani, which skilfully positioned itself between fine-rib underwear on one side and expensive designer underwear on the other, with an intriguing strategy: designer underwear at affordable prices with a built-in coolness factor. ‘Not for everybody’ is their advertising slogan, and it also aptly describes the strategic alignment of the company. 42 Different thinking Travel light: cut the ballast Companies that apply the rules of business unconventionality consistently are not likely to succumb to the temptation of trying to have their cake and eat it.

The big question for all the companies within the easyGroup is: how can we keep costs extremely low and at the same time dramatically boost capacity utilization and demand? The easyGroup has managed to do just that in all its operations. In addition to the cinemas, the airline, the car-rental company, the landline and mobile phone services and the bus company, the easyGroup also includes such widely varying operations as internet cafés, cruise liners, hotels, credit card companies and a pizza home delivery service – and there’s no end to the expansion in sight!

Without a trace of elegance, they made even the slenderest of feet seem unnaturally wide. From size 7 upwards you could easily use them to stamp out a camp fire. But Birkenstock managed to turn that image around – and suddenly, healthy footwear from Birkenstock became a cult fashion accessory all over the globe. What happened? The company realized that the key for success lay in combining the aspects of health and design. In the early 1990s, two designers (Marc Jacobs and Randolph Duke) made this clumpy classic sandal into an elegant shoe for evening wear (with glitzy rhinestone buckles) and thus acceptable in fine society.

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Different thinking : creative strategies for developing the by Anja Foerster; Peter Kreuz
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