Drawing the Line: The American Decision to Divide Germany, by Carolyn Woods Eisenberg

By Carolyn Woods Eisenberg

During this clean and difficult examine of the origins of the chilly conflict, Professor Eisenberg lines the yankee position in dividing postwar Germany. Drawing upon unique documentary assets, she explores how U.S. coverage makers selected partition and mobilized reluctant West Europeans at the back of that technique. The booklet casts new gentle at the Berlin blockade, demonstrating that the U.S. rejected United international locations mediation and trusted its nuclear monopoly because the technique of maintaining its German schedule.

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54 The exception to this pattern would be the capital city of Berlin, where "direct local administration" would be in the hands of a combined authority. In addition to its Berlin obligations, the Allied Authority (Control Council) would supervise all those governmental and economic activities occurring at the national level. Meanwhile the individual American, British, and Soviet civil administrations would exercise discretion over "essentially local functions" and function as "primarily enforcement agencies" for the Control Council.

Representative to Nicaragua, Governor-General of the Philippines, and Secretary of State under Herbert Hoover. Though Stimson had been hostile to the New Deal, he had an amicable relation to the president and was an ardent interventionist during the late 1930s. When hostilities broke out in Europe, Roosevelt asked him to take over the War Department, promising that his political neutrality would be respected. Because of his age and the rigors of his job, Stimson was relying heavily on his team of young assistant secretaries - Harvey Bundy, Robert Lovett, and John J.

Senate, Morgenthau Diary, 1:426. S. Senate, Morgenthau Diary, 1:428.

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Drawing the Line: The American Decision to Divide Germany, by Carolyn Woods Eisenberg
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