Early Project Appraisal: Making the Initial Choices by K. Samset

By K. Samset

Focusing on turning an initial suggestion right into a undertaking with a successful final result, this book fills a spot in present literature on undertaking administration and is carefully grounded within the most recent study during this box. It emphasizes the sensible program of selection making in accordance with qualitative and judgmental info.

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This is a first-order effect of the project that can only be achieved after the outputs have been produced. Hence, it is more ambitious, its fulfilment is more uncertain and the chance of success is more restricted as compared with producing the outputs which are the contractor’s responsibility. 24 Early Project Appraisal The commissioner’s perspective The commissioner, also called the project owner or the project sponsor, is an individual, a group of investors or a government agency in public projects, who initiates the project and provides direction and resources for its implementation.

However, this book focuses on the processes that precede the project – pre-studies are made; the concept is identified; alternatives solutions considered; stakeholders get involved; funding is negotiated etc. The contractor may not yet have been selected. ) are no longer in use a purpose. The concern is essentially on the purpose and on how well it will be served by the outputs of the project, than on the project itself. 3. A project’s life cycle may be split into separate phases. What characterizes the different phases may be more or less clearly defined.

When that happens, satisfactory tactical performance is irrelevant. 3 Three Perspectives on a Project The most general criterion against which a project is assessed is the degree to which it is considered successful. Different stakeholders will have different perspectives and interests and often conclude differently in assessing the same project. This chapter discusses three main perspectives associated with the three main stakeholders: the contractors, the users and the commissioners. Too few people on a project can’t solve the problems – too many create more problems than they can solve.

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Early Project Appraisal: Making the Initial Choices by K. Samset
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