By Hans Wijers
Showing for the 1st time in English, those are unique bills by means of German infantrymen who fought at the japanese entrance in international warfare II. incorporated are tales from a panzer crewman who survived the combating at Stalingrad in addition to a paratrooper creating a final stand sooner than Berlin. the various photographs have by no means been released prior to.
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In exchange for that, from time to time we would give them a tin of conserved goods, bread, or chocolate, whatever we still had at this time. In political discussions all Russians, however, clung to their views that Stalin would win the war instead of Hitler. The presence of our Servicing Company on the Kolchoz was very valuable. Day by day we worked diligently to prepare the tanks for battle. Here we received some new reinforcements in combat techniques and men. Days and weeks passed by. We felt good and would have preferred to wait here for the end of the war.
The snow lightly covered most of them, and we could not be sure which nationality they were. The three APCs drove about fifty meters to our right. When we crossed the summit, all of a sudden antitank fire opened up from our left flank. Now we knew we had reached the Russian main line of resistance. Halfway to our right and in front of us, the Panzer IV took position. Still we did not return fire. We kept going forward and looked out to make out the exact positions. Suddenly, there were the first hits on our gun mounting.
Cuno von Meyer. I was not pleased with this higher assignment, but it was an order. But until the end, we got along well together. At a roll call on November 15, all technical equipment was checked for readiness. I had the job of checking all the radios, aligning the frequencies, and subsequently reporting about their readiness. Four days passed. On November 21, seventeen operational tanks were allotted to their crews. They were given full loads of ammunition and gas. A radio check was carried out, and everything was aligned.
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