Enterprise and Welfare Reform in Communist Asia by P. Ferdinand

By P. Ferdinand

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10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. administrative reform to eliminate the myun, extending the size of the ri. This was for the establishment of effective transmission and penetration of state policies by reducing the hierarchical levels. 3–27. Gyeongje Sajeon (Dictionary of Economy) (Pyongyang: Sahoigwahak Chulpansa, 1985), Vol. 215 and Vol. 443. However, it should be noted that the local budget constitutes a part of the local government’s annual income and expenditure. For instance, the salary of local government officials and teachers is paid by the state, and educational expenditures and major construction works are subsidized by the state.


And this may explain in part why Laos’s privatization programme seems to have been much speedier than in neighbouring Vietnam. However, past progress may now be threatened as existing leasing arrangements come to an end with the possibility that some former SOEs will be returned to public ownership. The recent decentralization campaign being enacted by the ENTERPRISE REFORM IN LAOS 43 governmental could also see wholly new SOEs being established by provincial authorities, effectively discounting the privatization efforts of the 1990s.

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