Environment And the Oecd Guidelines for Multinational by Organisation for Economic Co-Operation a

By Organisation for Economic Co-Operation a

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CP assists companies in undertaking specific initiatives to design and operate industrial processes and to develop and produce products and services in ways that increase eco-efficiency. CP methodology can be used as part of stand-alone projects or to achieve particular objectives and targets set by an EMS. Seeking CP is one way to implement the “continuous improvement” requirement of ISO 14001 and other EMS. Unlike the implementation of an EMS, which entails creating a framework for the management of all environmental aspects and issues, the CP approach generally entails implementing a specific project to improve environmental performance.

Governance structure and management systems. Description of organisational structure, policies and management systems, including stakeholder engagement efforts. ENVIRONMENT AND THE OECD GUIDELINES… – ISBN-92-64-00938-8 – © OECD 2005 - 45 4. GRI content index. A table identifying where the information required by the Guidelines is located in the report. 5. Performance indicators. Measures of the impact or effect of the reporting organisation, divided into integrated, economic, environmental, and social performance indicators.

Decisions about accessibility should be guided by “clarity and timeliness”. e. the potential for third-party verification). A GRI-consistent report includes five core components: 1. Vision and strategy. Description of the reporting organisation’s strategy with regard to sustainability, including a statement from the CEO. 2. Profile. Overview of the reporting organisation’s structure and operations and of the scope of the report. 3. Governance structure and management systems. Description of organisational structure, policies and management systems, including stakeholder engagement efforts.

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