Environmental chemistry, Vol. 1. A review of the recent

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Extra info for Environmental chemistry, Vol. 1. A review of the recent literature concerning the organic chemistry of environments published up to mid-1973

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A. Otsuki and T. Hanya, Limnol. , 1972, 17, 258. W. Saunders, Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. , 1972, 18, 140. 32 Environmental Chemistry accumulated during the earth’s history. Sediment-trap studies showed that at least 70-90% of the organic matter synthesized in a column of lake water is decomposed before incorporation into the surface sediment, where further breakdown Accumulation of sediment derived either from decaying cellular material or inorganic material washed into the lake is an ageing process which will fill the lake over a geological time-period.

Washington, 1971, pp. 309-331. K. Ohwada and N. Taga, Limnol. , 1972, 17, 315. J. V. Hunter in ‘Organic Compounds in Aquatic Environments’, ed. W. l* Compounds Responsible for Odours in Waters. Recent developments in the chemistry of odour-producing compounds in water include the identification of 2-methylisoborneol (13) and geosmin (14) from a carbon-filter extract of l7 A. F. Carlucci and P. M. Bowes, Limnol. , 1972,17, 774. K. W. Daisley, Limnol. , 1969,14,224. 19 These compounds are produced by actinoniycetes and algae.

Garlick, in ‘Handbook of Geochemistry’, ed. K. H. Wedepohl, SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 1970 p. 8-B-1. IS Emv’rorzmientuI CfirmiAtty The cdsc of hydrogen exchange bet\n,eciiNates and hydrogen bonded to oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur presents a problem in the measurement of D/H ratios in organic materials and, unless special precautions are taken, the resulting data may be more representative of a recent exchange product rather than the material of interest. g. i4 Further experimental confirmation of the direction and extent of this effect resulted from measurements of the D contents of fatty acids from fish, rats, and a sediment core sample, and of the D contents of the body fluids of the animals and the water associated with the core.

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