By M. F. Rose, A. K. Hyder, M. Kristiansen (auth.), James E. Thompson PhD., Lawrence H. Luessen (eds.)
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The radial dependence of the normal guided modes of the fiber is described by Bessel functions: Bessel functions of the first kind within the core, and modified Bessel functions of the second kind in the cladding (see Fig. 3). The azimuthal dependence is described by sine or cosine functions, and the Z or longitudinal fields are very small and ignored in mode visualization. Interesting features of fibers for sensor purposes are generally results of the radial dependence. The radial distribution of the fields is of primary importance in explaining and predicting the performance of optical fibers.
Raw data from a 5 megampere source. 51 G. s) Fig. 13. 4. Current determined from Faraday rotation, compared to a current probe. 4 Magnetostriction One may envision placing small pieces of magnetostrictive material in the region of a magnetic field to map it as a function of time, using optical fiber to measure the strain as was MAGNETIC FIELD AND CURRENT SENSORS 53 described briefly above. Magnetometers have been constructed using metal-coated fiber, but eddy currents limit their frequency response.
10. D. F. Nelson, Electric, Optic, and Acoustic Interactions in Dielectrics (Wiley: New York), pp. 283-353, 1979. 11. J. C. Wyss, M. Kanda, D. Melquist, and A. Ondrejka, "Optical 12. W. A. Shurcliff, Polarized Light, Production and Use (Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA), pp. 15-31, 1962. 13. D. Clarke and J. F. Grainger, Polarized Light and Optical Measurement, (Pergamon Press: New York), pp. 17-41, 1971. Modulator and Link for Broadband Antennas" Conf. Precision Electromagnetic Meas. (IEEE Cat.
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