Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics, Volume 38: by S.R Daniewicz, C.A. Belsick, E.E. Gdoutos

By S.R Daniewicz, C.A. Belsick, E.E. Gdoutos

Eighteen peer-reviewed papers deal with the newest advances in research methodologies and trying out suggestions in fatigue and fracture mechanics. a tremendous concentration quarter was once fatigue crack progress habit. themes cover:

  • Applications of rising analytical tools
  • Novel experimental ideas to evaluate the sturdiness of engineering constructions, elements, and devices
  • Associated harm mechanisms in materials
  • Multi-scale and multi-physics methods for predicting the fatigue and fracture reaction of fabrics and buildings.
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    Obviously, neither the actual initial defect size (assuming it is smaller than NDI-detectable size) nor the ability to correctly model very early growth carry value in a condition monitoring scheme. From the overall standpoint of durability assessment, understanding fatigue crack growth response below NDI-detectable crack size becomes valuable in the event there is a demand for an extended period of service before first inspection. It assumes even more importance when the component is not subject to inspection.

    23) A blunt crack tip offers multiple parallel slip planes that will contribute to cumulative stretch by dissipating total strain. A sharp crack restricts the number of shear planes and thereby encourages shear fracture by focusing shear strain into fewer slip planes. 24) The resolution of electron fractography is adequate to resolve a crack extension less than 10À6 mm/cycle, but one seldom sees striations at growth rate less than 10À4 mm/ cycle. 1520/JAI103940 41 Near Threshold Fatigue Crack Response Indeed, why are striations not discernible in vacuum?

    3. For all its sophistication, even the most modern machinery of notch fatigue simulation cannot explain sequence sensitivity under a fully elastic notch root response. Designers strive to ensure that local stresses never exceed yield. 10 Experience shows however, that while the notch root stress-strain response in real life may remain elastic and therefore, sequence insensitive, sequence effects, in fact, become more significant with reducing overall stress level. This serious anomaly appears to have remained largely unnoticed in the shadow of the elegance of numerical simulation.

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    Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics, Volume 38: by S.R Daniewicz, C.A. Belsick, E.E. Gdoutos
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