By A.K. Legg
Read Online or Download Ford Capri II 2,8 & 3,0 All V6 Models 1974-87 Owner's Workshop Manual (Haynes Manuals) PDF
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Extra info for Ford Capri II 2,8 & 3,0 All V6 Models 1974-87 Owner's Workshop Manual (Haynes Manuals)
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II 's helplul 10 n"lke lise 01 old l\lcle. e'"ovcd OUI o f liS U'OOVI! 'I I IIIIde. U Ihe cnd 0 1 Ihe leele. gilugO 8 TlI'" Ihe Icel e. ound Ihe IIiS Ion lind. ) VdtVt! l'iI" 011 ;mll UIS",. )lIId" Sinh: Oil ,'"ew oil ~I:dl 1110) loUi n pla~ttc. I\) Urlilip. ,,~h"LI, t v.. >sor. It, 11 A lt er filling ,1111he p,ul s. ;115""'; CO"CC1 sc;n " ,!! I""" II'" ,II,.. ·~ 1,Iacc PII''':'I'"lIy 0" Ih ,
1ptc. 3. y 9 Alief the enuinc has run 10. 20 ""lltltIlS . Jllu: . k I he tluhtncss 01 lhe cylondc. 111 boilS (photo) . Also check th e tiuhlness 01 lhll sums) bolts. In hOlh taSCs usc iI torque wrench. SS 1 and refitting wi t h enuine in c;or 1 Di sconnect thO hillhlry neU,lIlve leJd. 2 RomOve the d,Slrrhuto. enl) (Chilpte. 4) Jnd the rad'ilIO' silloud (C hap te. 2) . ake Ihen lilCk u', Ihe fronl 01 I he C,1' ilnd suppori on axlo Slo1nds. j ilnd drarn Ihe oil inlO a sUItahle COll l alfler. When completed re l ll Ihe plug 'lnd l ighlen. 5 Remove th e SIMIOr mOIOI as descrlhed In ChilplCr 12 (j Unscrew Ihe nutS 110m hOlh engine mountings 7 Reillovo Ihe i,dilplor plilte 'Jo11 f,oll1 I he geilr[}o x.
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