Forms of Enterprise in 20th Century Italy: Boundaries, by Andrea Colli, Michelangelo Vasta

By Andrea Colli, Michelangelo Vasta

Taking an ancient point of view, this specific publication highlights the evolution of the various different kinds of corporation, and discusses the contribution of those sorts of enterprise to the commercial development of Italy. One very important factor that has lately captured the eye and the study efforts of either economists and monetary historians has been the talk on types of capitalism within the smooth global. during this context, the professional individuals examine a number of the levels of Italian improvement which were characterised by way of varied dominating varieties of firm which, in flip, have tailored to the character of technological and industry possibilities on the institutional, nationwide and foreign point. This ebook proposes a brand new interpretation of the 'Italian case' that makes use of either the structural and macroeconomic point of view of comparative background, in addition to the microeconomic views concentrating on the innovations of other financial brokers. in line with stable quantitative facts, this unique paintings will end up to be a priceless source for teachers and scholars of process and association, fiscal historians and utilized economists.

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There was a growth in the weight of big business in which the role of state-owned and foreign-controlled enterprises increased. With regard to the former, the expansion process started during fascism, and continued and consolidated, while, with regard to the latter, the openness of the markets allowed them to resume the role that had been neglected after the major crisis. The 1950s and the 1960s are known as the years of the Italian ‘economic miracle’, perhaps the period in which the structure of the Italian system of enterprises tended to be more similar to that of the most advanced countries.

The following shift from the regime of electricity and steel to that of oil, cars and mass production, occurred in Italy, but, more generally, in Europe, with a certain lag in comparison with the United States, and did not immediately provide major changes in the previous patterns. As is well known, the big crisis of the early 1930s hit the Italian economy hard. The big companies, in particular, suffered from this shock, but the large category did not lose its weight. What changed within big business were the forms of governance.

The most relevant changes occurred as an effect of the strong growth of telecommunication firms. 6 The boom that was registered can be explained, for the first decade, by the emergence of private TV, while, in the second decade, it is largely due to the liberalisation of telephone services and to the expansion of mobile telephony. The extent of the transformations due to technological change is well represented by the increase in the companies specialised in supplying computer services − hardware, software and integrated systems.

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