By Christopher Duffy
Lines the lifetime of the Russian Czar, concentrating on his accomplishments as an army chief.
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This was an embarrassment, for Neisse stood close to the passes with Moravia, and it might offer the Austrians a strategic bridgehead for an eventual counter-offensive into Silesia. Formal siege was unthinkable at this wintry season, and 'a bombardment is the only thing worth attempting - the place is a nest of Papists, and there are not many troops inside' (Gr. , 1890-3, I, 268). Cold shot, red-hot shot (heated in the local brickworks) and mortar bombs rained down on the town until 22 January, when the enterprise was abandoned as useless.
The debates at Rheinsberg merely concerned the practical details of the forthcoming military operation, and the justifications that were to be made to the world. Podewils entered a strong protest against the scheme, but on 6 November Frederick told him why he was determined to press ahead. First of all Silesia was 'the part of the Imperial inheritance to which we have the strongest right'. Next the king drew Podewils's attention to the preparedness of the Prussian army, 'which gives us a vast superiority over all the other powers of Europe, in an unexpected eventuality like this'.
All of this uncertainty proved too much for one of Frederick's old tutors, Christoph Wilhelm von Kalckstein, who made so bold as to approach his young master: Kalckstein: Your Majesty, am I right in thinking there is going to be a war? Frederick: Who can tell! Kalckstein: The movement seems to be directed on Silesia. Frederick: Can you keep a secret? ) Kalckstein: Oh yes, Your Majesty. Frederick: Well, so can I! (Anon. 1788-9, III, 60) Even the Old Dessauer was excluded from Frederick's counsels.
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