By Shiyong Zhang, Ke Xu, Mingwei Xu, Jie Wu, Chengrong Wu, Yiping Zhong
This ebook constitutes the refereed court cases of the 3rd CCF web convention of China, ICoC 2014, held in Shanghai, China, in July 2014. the ten revised complete papers awarded have been conscientiously reviewed and chosen from ninety four submissions. The papers deal with concerns reminiscent of software program outlined community, community safeguard, destiny web structure, web software, community administration, community protocols and versions, instant and sensor networks.
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41(4), 38–49 (2011) 10. : Investigating the effects of antenna directivity on wireless indoor communication at 60 GHz. In: IEEE International Symposium Personal, Indoor Mobile Radio Communication, vol. 2, pp. 635–639 (1997) 11. : 60 GHz single-chip CMOS digital radios and phased array solutions for gaming and connectivity. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 27(8), 1347–1357 (2009) 12. : Wireless data center with millimeter wave network. In: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, pp. 1–6 (2010) Mirror Data to the Ceiling: A New Completely Wireless Data Center 45 13.
Wang et al. Algorithm 1. Generation of SNKs and data packets Input: Input m × n data block matrix, B; size of Fq , q; number of parts data packets need to be separated into, u; Output: Output m × (m + n) data packet matrix, V ; u matrices storing SNKs, Tw , 1 ≤ w ≤ u. , the basis of the solution space of homogeneous linear set Pw X = 0 on Fq ); 6: Set the vectors in the basis as row vectors of Tw ; 7: end for Setup. Before the communication, source node needs to perform this function module to setup parameters, data packets, SNKs, and so on.
4) row(·): indicates the number of rows in the matrix. (5) col(·): indicates the number of columns in the matrix, vector or array. (6) xi : given a matrix X, xi denotes the i-th row vector in X. , Z+ n = {x|1 ≤ x ≤ n}. (8) Fq : given a prime q, Fq denotes the finite field in order q. It is also known as the prime field. (9) Fnq : given a positive integer n, Fnq = {[α1 , α2 , · · · , αn ]|αi ∈ Fq , 1 ≤ i ≤ n}. It is the set containing all the n-dimensional vectors. (10) span(·): provided that vectors x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ∈ Fnq compose a group of vectors, span(x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ) will denote the vector space spanned by these vectors on Fq .
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