By Gordon A. Craig
This is often the background of the increase and fall of united Germany, which lasted simply seventy five years from its institution through Bismark in 1870, and led to the rubble of Hitler's regime. Gordon Craig not just analyses the political buildings of and the overseas, social, and monetary rules of successive governments, but additionally examines the people who ruled the interval and the $64000 highbrow and cultural affects at paintings. His interesting bankruptcy at the wealthy variety of Weimar tradition - Mann and Hesse, Marlene Deitrich and picture, Brecht, Schonberg, Expressionist paintings, and the expansion of psychoanalytic idea - is evidence sufficient that this isn't a standard background booklet.
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As a demonstration of his diplomatic virtuosity this performance was no less impressive than his adroit manœuvring on the European stage during the tangled dispute over the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. Now as then he proved ever fertile in expedients and masterful in playing potentially hostile forces off against each other. ____________________ 32 Otto Becker, Bismarcks Ringen um Deutschlands Gestaltung, ed. and rev. Alexander Scharff ( Heidelberg, 1958), pp. , 225-30, 257 ff. -12- The attempts of the governments of the lesser states to unite on a demand for an increase of princely power that might have been used to limit Prussia's influence he countered on the one hand by divisive tactics in the form of promises and bribes and on the other by suggesting that Prussia might respond to recalcitrance with prescriptions drawn from the doctrines of radical liberal nationalism.
POLITICAL PARTIES, INTEREST GROUPS, AND THE FAILURE OF THE REICHSTAG, 1890-1914 251 I. Caprivi and the Decline of Governmental Authority 252 II. Hohenlohe and the Working Class: The Subversion and Penitentiary Bills, 1894-1900 261 III. The Social Democratic Party: Trade-Unionism and Revisionism 266 -xii- IV. Bülow and the Reichstag: Sammlungspolitik, Financial Problems, and the Daily Telegraph Affair, 1900-1909 272 V. Bethmann Hollweg and the Stalemate of the Party System, 1909-1914 286 IX. WELTPOLITIK, NAVALISM, AND THE COMING OF THE WAR, 1897-1914 302 I.
Under the leadership of Eduard Count von Bethusy-Huc, the Free Conservative party was organized in the autumn of 1866 to represent the views of those who felt this way; and in the subsequent period, although it was never a party that commanded much popular strength, it gave Bismarck undeviating support and provided some of his most dedicated officials and associates. 31 III As a result of the annexations, Prussia after 1866 comprised fourfifths of the population and the greater part of the territory north of the River Main.
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