Global Effects of Environmental Pollution: A Symposium by S. Fred Singer (auth.), S. Fred Singer (eds.)

By S. Fred Singer (auth.), S. Fred Singer (eds.)

The Symposium at the international results of Environmental toxins has played a big job; it has helped to figure out the world-wide influence of particular types of neighborhood pollutants and has exposed yes unsuspected results that will carry dan­ gerous implications for the long run. This Symposium can help to make the realm conscious of a challenge that's changing into extra ominous and that consists of the constructing in addition to the constructed international locations - the drawback of the human surroundings. The explanations of this predicament aren't tough to figure. there was an unparalleled bring up within the world's inhabitants, an ever-increasing expense of urbanization, and in lots of international locations, a continuing means of industrialization. primarily, advancing know-how has made it attainable for a minority of mankind to accomplish affluence and holds out wish for bettering the healthiness of the nice majority. yet, since it has now not been built-in into the traditional surroundings, this very know-how - in undefined, in agriculture or in shipping - is having many undesir­ capable and most likely catastrophic results. Our air, our water and our soil are in grave chance. Many species of animal and flora became extinct or are dealing with extinction. The loss to mankind is grave or even the long run oflife in the world can be at risk. The problem is to discover methods of repairing the damage already performed and to avoid extra harm.

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Surface and sub-surface ocean water differ in exchange characteristics with atmospheric C02. The possibility of control by an enzyme-like carbonic anhydrase is discussed. It has been discovered [1] that sea waters can differ markedly in their rates of equilibration with atmospheric CO 2 , Surface waters on the average possess less than half the bomb ct 4 content of tropospheric air and are rising only in a matter of years [2, 3] to full equilibrium. It has been well known for some time now [4] that in the analogous problem in mammals - the ready elimination of CO 2 from the blood for expiration in the lungs that a special enzyme, carbonic anhydrase, is essential.

Geophys. Res. 73,4511-4528. [25] Keeling, C. D. and Waterman, L. : 1968, 'Carbon Dioxide in Surface Ocean Waters', J. Geophys. Res. 73, 4529-4541. [26] Kuentzel, L. : 1969, 'Bacteria, Carbon Dioxide and Algal Blooms', Proceedings of the 24th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana (in press). [27] Mitchell, J. : 1970, 'A Preliminary Evaluation of Atmospheric Pollution as a Cause of Global Temperature Fluctuations', Symposium on Global Effects of Environmental Pollution, AAAS National Meeting, \968, this volume, p.

60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Radiocarbon in ocean at SOON. ) A. Surface waters (Santa Monica Beach at foot of Sunset Boulevard) ----- Sample No. 0 1 B. 9 200' well at Naval Pt. 1 200' Submarine USS Baya 31°40'N (Off Catalina Is. in 2200 fathoms total depth) l20 20'W 0 Exchange Time (Days, cf. Table II) 14 5 5 32 RAINER BERGER AND WILLARD F. LIBBY The general level of bomb C 14 in surface sea waters as reported by Mlinnich and Roether [3] in 1967 are given in Figure 2. Comparison of Figures 1 and 2 shows that after several years the sea still lags substantially behind tropospheric air.

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