Global Networks: The Vodafone-Ericsson Journey to by Christopher J. Ibbott (auth.)

By Christopher J. Ibbott (auth.)

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The effect of this change was to make my role, team, and activities a dominant economic part of the surviving group supply chain function, which from my perspective now created a crowded management space. The end of innovation was approaching, with my “wings,” or more important, those of the role, being progressively clipped through these and subsequent changes. Nevertheless, I got along well with Detlef, to whom I provided and mutually received excellent support. Our friendship has survived the experience into my retirement from the firm.

After their Stockholm meeting, Chris and David told me to contact Nils Grimsmo of Ericsson to advance my business endeavors on behalf of Vodafone. To my surprise, Nils was the Ericsson managing director and their most senior person in the UK, yet I had not come across him in London or Stockholm. Accordingly, I arranged to meet with Nils. He was instrumental in collaborating with me in the industry-leading globalization journey, from which emerged a new counterintuitive requisite organization and a novel interorganizational system relationship.

The company announced in March that the Misrfone consortium in Egypt, in which Vodafone had a 30% interest, had been awarded a license to build the country’s second mobile phone network. In July Sir Ernest Harrison, who had been Vodafone Group’s chairman since the flotation in 1988, announced his retirement; and Lord MacLaurin, the former chairman of Tesco Plc in the UK, succeeded him. In the final quarter of 1998 Vodafone in the UK announced a record number of new customers—933,000 (of which 755,000 were Pay as You Talk, formerly PrePay), more than three times the previously quarterly record—taking the total customer base to 4,874,000, of which 1,175,000 were Pay as You Talk customers.

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Global Networks: The Vodafone-Ericsson Journey to by Christopher J. Ibbott (auth.)
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