Global Operations Strategy: Fundamentals and Practice by Yeming Gong

By Yeming Gong

While many company colleges are educating worldwide Operations method with self-made instructing fabrics, there aren't any such textbooks. Combining functional techniques with exact theoretical underpinnings, this e-book presents theories, instruments, frameworks, and methods for international operations process, and brings genuine international views to scholars and bosses. every one bankruptcy comprises definition of keywords, advent of primary theories, numerous brief case examples, one lengthy new case to provide an explanation for the linked theories, and steered additional reading.

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Additional info for Global Operations Strategy: Fundamentals and Practice

Example text

For further readings in global operations strategy, see Birkinshaw et al. (1995), Buckley and Ghauri (2004), Chase and Uday (2007), Doz and Kosonen (2008), Porter (1980, 1987, 1996, 1990/1998, 1991), Prokesch (1995), Slack and Lewis (2011). Case Example: HSBC – “The World’s Local Bank” HSBC is a global banking and financial services company headquartered in London. HSBC (abbreviation from the “Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation”) was founded in Hong Kong and Shanghai by Scotsman Sir Thomas Sutherland in 1865.

1 Content Framework of Global Operations Strategy This book presents a content framework of global operations strategy, shown in Fig. 8. Based on corporate strategy, global competition analysis, and global environment analysis, a corporation formulates a global business strategy. Global competition analysis is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors worldwide, used to study competitors’ objectives, assumptions, strategies, and capabilities, and to identify opportunities and threats.

3 Basic Principles in Global Operations Strategy 25 created when the world’s greatest cities join forces. ” In 2007, the INSEAD center opened in Abu Dhabi, UAE. In 2010, INSEAD’s Abu Dhabi Center attained campus status, under the patronage of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi. The Middle East plays an increasingly critical role in the global business strategy of INSEAD, and it has launched open-enrolment programs in Abu Dhabi. Currently it has campuses in Europe (France), Asia (Singapore) and the Middle East (Abu Dhabi), a research center in Israel, and offices in America.

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