Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments by Ronald S. Ross

By Ronald S. Ross

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Due to human error or natural disaster) or be initiated by an adversary; and (ii) the likelihood that the initiation/occurrence will result in adverse impacts. Organizations assess the overall likelihood of threat events by using inputs from Tables G-2, G-3, and G-4. Any specific algorithm or rule for combining the determined likelihood values depends on: (i) general organizational attitudes toward risk, including overall risk tolerance and tolerance for uncertainty; (ii) specific tolerances toward uncertainty in different risk factors; and (iii) organizational weighting of risk factors.

RMF Step 5 – Authorize Organizations can use risk assessment results to provide risk-related information to authorizing officials. The risk responses carried out by organizations based on the risk assessments result in a known security posture of organizational information systems and environments of operation. Risk assessment results provide essential information to enable authorizing officials to make riskbased decisions on whether to operate those systems in the current security posture or take actions to provide additional security controls, thereby further reducing risk to organizational operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, or the Nation.

To be effective, communication of information security risks and other risk-related information produced during the risk assessment is consistent with other forms of risk communication within organizations. To maximize the benefit of risk assessments, organizations should establish policies, procedures, and implementing mechanisms to ensure that the information produced during such assessments is effectively communicated and shared across all three risk management tiers. , threat sources, threat events, vulnerabilities, predisposing conditions, likelihood, impact, and risk) and the recommended elements of a risk assessment report (Appendix K) provide recommendations for risk communication/sharing among the tiers.

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