By Hendrick C. Verton
Dutch SS debts are very infrequent, fairly ones that describe recruiting, education, and frontline provider as thoroughly and colorfully as within the hearth of the jap entrance. Hendrick C. Verton volunteered for the Waffen-SS in early 1941 and fought at the japanese entrance till the tip of the conflict as a member of the fifth SS Panzer department and SS Regiment Besslein.
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In July 1934, in order to protest against this, the workers organised a demonstration on the streets of Amsterdam. The Army and Navy were called in to help the police suppress the protesting masses. There were demonstrations elsewhere, not only in Amsterdam. On that day, the result of people against tanks was seven deaths, and more than two hundred casualties. For those in power there was then nothing left of the widespread Dutch liberal mentality, when the population had dared to voice an opinion!
The Dutch defensive system That was not the only problem with the plan. In various areas fruit plantations hindered the rotating barrels of the stationary weapons of defence. The government refused permission for the felling of the fruit trees because the compensation for their owners had not been calculated into their defence budget. Returning to the situation on Germany’s easterly borders, Hitler’s demands began to take shape, with the non-aggression pact with Russia. However, his patience with the blindly chauvinist Polish attitude, that had been strengthened by support from France and Britain, was wearing very thin.
My father’s memories of ‘the good old times’ are not filled with an overflow of exciting experiences. Zierikzee was still ‘a medieval province where time stood still’, which is what the incoming visitors always said. Because of it, the young folk were not offered the chance to expand into cultural, professional or vocational niches. He then moved to Amsterdam where he found work in the chemical laboratory of a rubber factory. A young 28 year-old woman from Amsterdam won his attention and his heart.
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