In the Service of the Reich by Wilhelm Keitel

By Wilhelm Keitel

The memoirs of Field-Marshal Keitel have been written in manuscript in criminal at Nuremberg starting on 1st September, 1946. the unique is within the ownership of the Keitel kin. His narrative masking the years 1933 to 1938 is incorporated within the German version, yet during this English version Keitels lifestyles as much as 1937 is handled within the editors advent, which includes many extracts from Keitels personal account of these years. the interpretation of the memoirs themselves the following starts off with 1937, on web page 36. however, a few passages from the unique manuscript, which have been no longer integrated within the German version, seem during this translation, as for instance the outline of the Munich challenge and the making plans discussions for the invasion of england.

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I suggested Fritsch next. He crossed to his writing-desk and handed to me an indictment personally signed by Giirtner, the Minister of Justice, charging Fritsch with an offence under Paragraph 175 of the penal code. He informed me that he had had this indictment in his hands for some time already, but had 47 suppressed it up to now as he had not believed the charge. But now that the question of the succession had suddenly and unexpectedly become acute the matter would have to be cleared up, and in these circumstances he could no longer allow things to rest as they were.

In view of my candour in my dealings with Brauchitsch it would not have been too difficult for him to have turned Hitler against me or to have awakened his mistrust in me, for in that respect Hitler was more than sensitive and he never failed to follow these things up. I know from Brauchitsch himself that in 1939 [General] Milch, the Secretary of State for Air, was being nominated to replace me. There would certainly have been endeavours from the Army's side to eliminate me as well, had they been able to find even one person prepared to accept my thorny office.

All these were only half measures and they did more harm than good; they evoked immediate criticism from the broad mass of the generals. Nobody knows better than Brauchitsch or I how heavy was the burden that he had inherited: Fritsch had enjoyed unlimited respect and admiration, and his shameless hounding had caused a wave of unjustified bitterness. Brauchitsch was harried day and night by Beck and the commanding generals all demanding that he speak out for his predecessor's immediate rehabilitation and reinstatement, insisting on Hitler's promoting him to field-marshal, and the like.

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In the Service of the Reich by Wilhelm Keitel
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