Indexing. A Nuts-and-Bolts Guide for Technical Writers by Kurt Ament

By Kurt Ament

  • "Ament provides sturdy recommendation on find out how to method the duty of indexing..." - Leanne Sullivan, The Editorial Eye (September 2001)


, Pages vii-x
Chapter 1 - approximately indexing

, Pages 1-5
Chapter 2 - commence indexing

, Pages 7-17
Chapter three - Indexing guidelines

, Pages 19-86

, Pages 87-97

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When the individual indexes are complete, you combine them and make any necessary adjustments. Preparing individual indexes Before compiling your master index, you need to modify individual indexes in the following ways: ■ Abbreviate book titles in page numbers In a master index, page numbers alone are meaningless. Page numbers need to be associated with book titles. The easiest way to associate page numbers with book titles is to include abbreviated book titles in the page numbers themselves. $PHQWERRN 3DJH  7KXUVGD\ $SULO    30 42 Chapter 3 Indexing guidelines ■ Spell out abbreviations in page footers Page numbers with abbreviated book titles are cryptic at best unless you explicitly spell out the abbreviations for users.

Bad Good copyrights, ii — trademarks, ii — Index reference information in front matter List critical reference information and major topics that appear in prefaces and introductions. Bad Good introduction, ix system requirements, ix preface, vii document conventions, vii $PHQWERRN 3DJH  7KXUVGD\ $SULO    30 36 Chapter 3 Indexing guidelines Interface components See also For related guidelines, see also: ■ “See” references on page 63 ■ System messages on page 77 Read this Interface components are the visible or audible parts of a computer program.

PHQWERRN 3DJH  7KXUVGD\ $SULO    30 Nesting Do this When creating any index entry, follow these guidelines: ■ Nest redundant entries If two or more entries begin with the same first word or phrase, nest the entries under that common word or phrase. Bad Good creating files, 2 creating folders, 3 creating files, 2 folders, 3 files, creating, 2 folders, creating, 3 scanning drives, Macintosh, 5 scanning drives, Windows, 7 scanning files, Macintosh, 6 scanning files, Windows, 8 drives, scanning Macintosh, 5 Windows, 7 files, scanning Macintosh, 6 Windows, 8 Macintosh, scanning drives, 5 files, 6 scanning drives Macintosh, 5 Windows, 7 files Macintosh, 6 Windows, 8 Windows, scanning drives, 7 files, 8 47 $PHQWERRN 3DJH  7KXUVGD\ $SULO    30 48 Chapter 3 Indexing guidelines ■ ■ Avoid single subentries Never nest a single entry under a word or phrase.

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