Information Technology in Government: Britain and America by Helen Margetts;

By Helen Margetts;

This publication explores the massive effect of knowledge know-how at the governments of the united kingdom and US during the last two decades, interpreting computerization as a device of presidency and significant coverage implications.

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The cost of information technology staff as a percentage of information technology expenditure had dropped from 41 per cent to 22 per cent over ten years. In Britain by 1995 central governments were contracting out 30 per cent of their information technology expenditure, a rise of 7 per cent from 1993 to 1995: this explains why expenditure on information technology staff had fallen to £411 million in the same period (Kable, 1995b:43–6). Therefore, the drawing-in of organised expertise to central government through the use of information technology occurred in two stages in each government.

In ‘on-line’ applications, a card or related device is used to communicate with a database to record data; identify individuals, verify eligibility for privileges, service or benefits; post transactions; provide access; and reconcile data. In off-line applications an integrated circuit card (ICC) or a smart card with a microprocessor performs similar functions by itself without direct, immediate linkage to a host computer program or database. Periodically transaction information recorded by the off-line device is transferred to the central computer database.

Differences may be observed in the impact of information technology on each of the four ‘tools’ of government policy. The transformation of government’s nodal resource is clearer in interactions between government and commercial organisations than in interactions between government and citizens. While computerised links between members of the public and government are now in place in both countries, when the line of communication disappears into governmental organisations, it is often brought to an abrupt halt, and the interaction takes very much the form it had before computerisation took place.

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Information Technology in Government: Britain and America by Helen Margetts;
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