By Albert Speer
Speer, the Minister of Armaments and struggle construction below Hitler, the guy who had stored Germany armed and the conflict desktop operating even after Hitler's mystique had light, takes a brutally sincere examine his position within the warfare attempt, giving readers an entire view of the interior of the Nazi state.
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He could read almost any nonpolitical books he chose; so he turned to psychology, philosophy, and metaphysics, the kind of books, he says, he never in the world would have read or thought he had had the time to read when he was in civil life. And he could look inward, ask himself questions as he went over the days of his life, questions that a man sometimes asks during or after major crises but that seldom can be thoroughly investigated amid the intense preoccupations of making a career in the contemporary world.
Everything good should be left outside of big cities. . Where urbanism meets the peasantry, the spirit of the peasantry is ruined. " In a similar vein, Hitler cried out against the erosion of morals in the big cities. He warned against the ill effects of civilization which, he said, damaged the biological substance of the people. And he emphasized the importance of a healthy peasantry as a mainstay for the state. Hitler was able to sense these and other currents which were in the air of the times, though many of them were still diffuse and intangible.
Organized Improvisation The new organizational scheme—Goering's threat to resign—Architect and technology—Industrial self-responsibility—Organization of the Ministry—Successes 16. Sins of Omission The technological war—Efforts at full mobilization—Party opposition—More steel for the war—Transportation crisis—The muffed atom bomb 17. Commander in Chief Hitler Armaments conferences with Hitler—My system—Hitler's knowledge of technology—Demonstrating weapons—Visits in southern Russia— Ascent of Mount Elbrus—Hitler's situation conferences—The Allied landing in North Africa—Goering and Stalingrad 18.
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