Investigations in General Biology by Kenneth Armitage (Auth.)

By Kenneth Armitage (Auth.)

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Because any cell has a narrow range of environment over which it can live, such organisms can live only in those environments that do not fluctuate too widely. The great majority live in the sea, although a few live in fresh water. In the course of evolution, organisms have achieved varying degrees of independence from their environment. This independence is made possible by enclosing within the whole organism an internal environment and shifting the fundamental activities of maintenance to the internal cells.

Does it make any difference what kind of salt solution is used in the model? What happens to the weight of the model when it is left in the distilled water for several days? What happens to the concentration of sodium chloride EXERCISE 4 32 inside the cell relative to the concentration outside the cell? Does the same phenomenon occur in living cells? SUGGESTED READING Langley, L. L. (1965). " Reinhold, New York. EXERCISE 5 T E S T I N G T H E MODEL OF T H E CELL M E M B R A N E The validity of the model of the function of the cell membrane may be tested first by examining cells under the microscope and recording their responses in solutions of different concentrations.

01 M NaCl? 01 M NaCl suggest about the function of the cell wall? Do red blood cells and/or Elodea respond differently if the test solutions are sucrose instead of NaCl? Does sucrose diffuse through the cell membrane? What would this result tell you about the validity of the model? TESTING T H E MODEL O F T H E CELL MEMBRANE 39 Many freshwater organisms, such as Paramecium and Amoeba, lack a cell wall. How do these cells avoid bursting? H I N T : Fresh water cells have a contractile vacuole which is usually absent in marine species.

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Investigations in General Biology by Kenneth Armitage (Auth.)
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