Kaunitz and Enlightened Absolutism 1753-1780 by Franz A. J. Szabo

By Franz A. J. Szabo

This can be the 1st significant archivally-based research of the political occupation of Wenzel Anton Kaunitz, nation Chancellor of the Habsburg Monarchy from 1753 to 1792. writer of the diplomatic revolution of 1756 and a super overseas minister of the Austrian Empire, Kaunitz was once nearly the 3rd head of nation below Maria Theresia and Joseph II. He emerges from this examine because the key determine within the improvement of enlightened absolutism within the Habsburg monarchy and the guiding spirit at the back of the modernization of the nation.

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Aus den Papieren des GroBkanzlers Fiirst," in Zur Geschichte von Oesterreich undPreufien zwischen den Friedensschliissen zu Aachen und Hubertusburg, Vol. XXX of Sdmtliche Werke (Leipzig, 1875), pp. 16-18; Khevenhiiller-Metsch, passim, especially III, 70-74; IV, 11, 46, 76, 87; Wurzbach XI, 81-85; Hormayr, Lebensbilder, passim; N. William Wraxall, Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw and Vienna in the Years 1777, 1778 and 1779, 2 Vols. (London, 1800), II, 465-^95; Arnheim, "Urtheil," pp.

Family background and early life of Kaunitz 17 rank of Authorized Minister for the Austrian Netherlands, could not prevent disaster. The Battle of Fontenoy in May 1745 sealed the fate of Belgium. 26 In the face of this defeat, Kaunitz's health once more began to deteriorate. From August 1745 he began to request to be relieved of his duties, and by the spring was complaining of being confined to bed for days at a time with a high fever. Finally, in June his wish was granted, allowing him to withdraw to the famous health resort at Spa.

58 With respect to the art of his day, Kaunitz was in the vanguard of the neo-classical revival from its very earliest stirrings. 63 Above all, it is clear he prized the intellectual contributions of the art historian Johann Joachim Winckelmann, perhaps the single most important figure in the neo-classical revival of the eighteenth century. , Kaunitz to the Duke of Braganza, 7 October 1781. Novotny, Staatskanzler Kaunitz, p. 123. HHStA, Familienarchiv: Sammelbande, Karton 70, Joseph to Kaunitz, 22 November 1780.

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Kaunitz and Enlightened Absolutism 1753-1780 by Franz A. J. Szabo
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