Knowledge Technologies: Publishing studies series - volume 3 by Nick Milton

By Nick Milton

Numerous applied sciences are rising that offer new how you can seize, shop, current and use wisdom. This publication is the 1st to supply a complete advent to 5 of an important of those applied sciences: wisdom Engineering, wisdom established Engineering, wisdom Webs, Ontologies and Semantic Webs. for every of those, solutions are given to a couple of key questions (What is it? How does it function? How is a procedure constructed? What can it's used for? What instruments can be found? What are the most issues?). The e-book is aimed toward scholars, researchers and practitioners drawn to wisdom administration, man made Intelligence, layout Engineering and internet applied sciences.

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A concurrent, multidisciplinary design approach was required, which involved experts and analysis tools located in different countries and companies. The ICAD system was used to develop a dedicated KBE application, called Multi Model Generator (MMG). The MMG al- Knowledge Technologies 47 lows the automatic generation and modification of many different blended wing body aircraft variants. Furthermore, the MMG was able to automatically generate, for any aircraft variant, the specific models required by the project partners’ analysis tools.

ADDET was developed to aid the design of fuselage panels for aircraft. Typically, the number of requirements and constraints in designing such a structural assembly is so high that even an expert designer struggles to find an appropriate solution. In some cases, there might not be a solution that fully satisfies the set of requirements and constraints. In other cases, more than one possible solution exists and an optimal solution must be found. ADDET allows the systematic generation of many possible solutions for panel design and searches for the best.

Its programming language is based on the standard ANSI Common LISP. It allows the manipulation of very simple geometry primitives, and optionally provides full integration to the NURBs Surfaces and Solids modelling kernel from Solid Modeling Solutions Inc. À KnowledgeWare (from Dassault Systemes) is a set of applications available to extend the native functionalities of the CATIA V5 CAD system in terms of design automation and rules capturing. Knowledgeware offers the possibility to define product templates so that automated parametric design is facilitated.

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