Little Ann’s Nap - Decodable Book 17 Grade 1 by Deanne W. Kells illustrated by Suzanna Hubbard

By Deanne W. Kells illustrated by Suzanna Hubbard

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A wordform cannot impose a grammeme upon itself, but it can, by some of its properties, condition the choice between several grammemes imposed on it by a different wordform. ACC (I [a woman] knew her young). vs. ACC (I [a woman] knew them young). 10 d) Similarly to Sem-D , Morph-D must be also typed (= labeled): if w1–morph→w2, then in order to fully specify this Morph-D , we have to indicate the inflectional category C(w2) whose grammeme is imposed by w1. Thus, the labeling of Morph-D s is meaningful rather than purely distinctive, as is the case with Sem-D .

Even its mere existence needs justification. Syntactic dependency has been used to talk about the structure of sentences from Antiquity and throughout the Middle Ages to modern times. All respectable pre-20th century grammatical traditions in syntax have been based on it, as has much language 22 MEL’ČUK teaching. , Sībawaih, who died in 798) already distinguished the governor vs. the dependent in syntax and used this distinction when formulating rules for word order and inflection (Owens 1988: 79-81).

Thus, in the phrase PREP→N, it is the Synt-governor PREP that is positioned with respect to its Synt-dependent N. Of course, to say that a PREP precedes the N it introduces is logically equivalent to saying that an N introduced by a PREP follows this PREP. However, linguistically, these two statements are not equally acceptable: since a noun can appear without a preposition, while a preposition cannot appear without a noun, it is more natural to specify the place of the preposition with respect to the noun than the other way around.

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Little Ann’s Nap - Decodable Book 17 Grade 1 by Deanne W. Kells illustrated by Suzanna Hubbard
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