Luminescence in Public Health (Science for Everyone) by N. N Barashkov

By N. N Barashkov

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The examinations were performed in a dark room by means of a portable UV lamp. This method proved to be effective in preventing microsporia in children. In order to detect a vast majority of pathogenic microorganisms, they have to be stained with a luminophore. Direct staining of human or animal tissue preparation 4-01536 50 Luminescence in Pu blic Health or smears, as well as of soil samples and water washings of the objects to be analysed, makes it possible to detect microorganisms in them and perform quantitative determinations.

Every year thousands of new and highly active drugs are introduced into clinical practice. Many of these drugs are naturally luminescent (sometimes being very bright) or become so after simple chemical treatment. Thus, fluorescence analysis can be successfully applied for control of drug intake and for tracing its further distribution in various tissues. The first and most characteristic drug of this type is quinine, which has been known since ancient times and is probably the first 42 Luminescence in Public Health that was known to be luminescent.

The detection of quinine luminescence in urine was used as the criterion for determining the dosage of antimalarial drugs Acri lumi in (qui 46 Luminescence in Public Health The detection of quinine luminescence is the basis of a simple and original method of determining gastric acidity. When developing this method, scientists made use of the fact that quinine can he easily produced from cinchona tar or bark by treating it with an acid. For such au analysis, the patient ingests a certain amount of cinchona tar.

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Luminescence in Public Health (Science for Everyone) by N. N Barashkov
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