Magic: History, Theory, Practice by Ernst Schertel, Adolf Hitler

By Ernst Schertel, Adolf Hitler

In might of 2003, Timothy Ryback, the writer of "Hitler's deepest Library: The Books That formed His existence" had an editorial released within the Atlantic per 30 days. within the article he designated a number of of the books held in a section of Hitler's library at Brown college. Mr. Ryback additionally pointed out a few of the passages Hitler marked in those books. One specific passage was once beneficial of recognition: "He who doesn't hold demonic seeds inside of him won't ever provide start to a brand new world." That passage seemed within the e-book "Magic: heritage / conception / Practice", written via Dr. Ernst Schertel. Schertel was once a researcher of other sexual practices, nudism, and the occult. After completing his ebook Magic in 1923 he despatched a committed replica to Adolf Hitler. Now, for the 1st time ever, "Magic: History/Theory/Practice" has been translated into English, with all sixty-six Hitler annotations intact

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That we nevertheless compare our own person to the environment and often frantically defend it is due to the fact that our capability of consciousness is only connected with the cosmic force-net at that point, which we call our “I,” and therefore this point possesses outstanding importance for us. ” Whole solar systems can perish and perhaps we hardly notice anything about it, while the tiniest dust particle which penetrates into our eye, the tiniest blood vessel which bursts in our brain, leads to the most intense sensations.

At that time, Lao Tse was working in China; a representative of a certain enlightened mystic, in India Buddha was completing Brahmanism, in Persia Zoroaster was reforming the older magic and was founding his quite rationalistically substantiated sect, which could not, except for today’s “Bahai” and “Mazdaznan,” deny its relationship with the specific European type of thought. In Palestine during that time the Jewish prophets were operating, who were standing in sharp contrast to the magic oriented Yahweh-cult of the old Jews and was railing against concrete divine service, 43 in Greece finally the first “philosophers” began to appear, who have corroded the magical consciousness of early times and were helping to pave the way for European intellectualism.

Beating on a small drum or banging with a rattle, he moves in a circle and states that he is conversing in a mythical way with the ghosts, sucks the sickness out of the patient’s stomach or neck, chases bad ghosts out of various parts of the body, etc. Continuing in this way he not only brings himself but also his audience and patients into a state of ecstasy, wherein those same patients stare at him with fear and tremor. W. Hauer writes about dance as a means to the ecstatic: “That the dance is primarily a means of amusement is a false delusion, as the comparing ethnography shows.

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Magic: History, Theory, Practice by Ernst Schertel, Adolf Hitler
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