Management Information Systems (10th Edition) by James O'Brien, George Marakas

By James O'Brien, George Marakas

Overview: The benchmark textual content for the syllabus equipped by way of expertise (a week on databases, per week on networks, per week on structures improvement, etc.) taught from a managerial standpoint. O’Brien defines know-how after which explains how businesses use the know-how to enhance functionality. actual global circumstances finalize the reason.

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Parliament), if there was a legal obligation to do so and/or where it was consistent with rules or policies concerning the handling of confidential information. Two NCPs (1 experienced, 1 not) mentioned legal obligations as the main consideration governing the provision of information to non parties. An experienced NCP emphasised that it protects the names of the parties in such situations. One non-experienced NCP emphasised that the provision of information to non parties would be decided on a case by case basis, but that Parliamentary questions are always answered.

Of these, five were experienced NCPs and five were non-experienced NCPs. Two additional NCPs (1 experienced, 1 not) indicated that they were preparing guidance material. Little information was provided as to what the guidance consists of. However, two of the respondents explicitly mentioned that they had prescribed a format for the initiation of specific instances to assist individuals and organisations wishing to raise specific instances to know what information they should provide. Notwithstanding © OECD 2003 47 Annual Report on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises the format they had developed, these NCPs stated, in their responses to the questionnaire, that they were willing to entertain specific instances raised in other formats, for example, letters.

Some of the means that have been (or are planned to be) used to make public the outcome of a specific instance include press releases (mentioned by 8 respondents), annual reports (mentioned by one respondent), and statements on the NCP’s website (mentioned by 7 respondents). Another mechanism, suggested by one NCP, was a notice in the official government gazette. Half of the experienced NCPs had decided not to consider one or more specific instances and 4 of these did not publish their reasons for doing so.

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Management Information Systems (10th Edition) by James O'Brien, George Marakas
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