Managing Equity and Diversity at Universities by Guenther Vedder

By Guenther Vedder

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The 3-Pillared-Concept of "Managing Diversity", that was introduced here, intends to bring together diversity of employees through well-managed and carefully assembled working partnerships. The concept of "Managing Diversity" – as a humanistic approach - is committed to the paradigm of "learning and effectiveness". As a holistic concept, it allows for a variety of social data. So that the advantages realize their potential, next to an employee’s “must-have” competencies, the comparative competencies of the "non-ideal” employee type should be fairly valued and, to the extent possible, be made usable.

To these tasks, the candidate brings in comparative competencies. Conversely, there are tasks that are carried out only because they are required by the contract. In the future, there will be a broad spectrum of tasks, to which different qualification levels are assigned. This permits a worker to actively steer them either horizontally on the same qualification level, or vertically towards the tasks on higher qualification levels. The manner in which the worker can influence the tasks depends on personal needs, performance provisions and personal development potential.

Design assessment plans that require evidence of these commitments. • Encourage faculty and students to use their research skills as one way of serving their communities. • Include community service in the evaluation of faculty and staff. ” The Importance of Equity and Diversity at Universities 43 German universities presidents seem to be a far cry from such intensive Community Engagement Programs. Managing Diversity can also be used as a just instrument to meet the needs of these "Stakeholders".

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