Map-based Mobile Services: Theories, Methods and by Liqiu Meng, Alexander Zipf, Tumasch Reichenbacher

By Liqiu Meng, Alexander Zipf, Tumasch Reichenbacher

The improvement of instant telecommunication and ubiquitous computing te- nologies has resulted in a growing to be cellular inhabitants and dramatically replaced p- terns of operating and lifestyle. A tender and secure mobility is barely attainable whilst the cellular individual is well-informed of the happenings in his ambient en- ronments. Location-sensitive maps have proved a robust enhancement to what a cellular consumer can without delay understand from his ambient environments. in view that precedent days the map has been the favourite verbal exchange language of spatial infor- tion. it's much more the case for cellular functions the place brand-new maps should be wirelessly retrieved or generated in real-time. The upsurge of map-based s- vices on cellular units has raised a couple of new questions demanding the traditional computer-assisted cartography. Map-based cellular companies offers a modern assessment of analysis and improvement matters relating to the layout and using mobility-supporting maps. The booklet has been written for pro cartographers who're striving for - tending their theoretical, methodological and sensible wisdom to cellular m- making, for surveyors and geo-service prone eager about the improvement of clever location-based companies, for software program builders and cognitive scientists engaged in human-computer interplay, and for college students and lecturers in cart- raphy and geoinformation sciences. The e-book used to be initiated by way of the multidisciplinary workshop “Design of m- established cellular providers” in the body of the convention “Human and computing device 2003 – interplay at the circulation” held in Stuttgart, Germany, September 2003.

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Extra info for Map-based Mobile Services: Theories, Methods and Implementations

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Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 240-249. Mustière, S. and Moulin, B. (2002): What is Spatial Context in Cartographic Generalisation?. IAPRS & SIS, Geospatial Theory, processing and Applications, Vol. 34, No. 4, Ottawa, Canada, 8-12 July, pp. 274-278 O'Neill, R. W. Michael: Or why are there so many books on scale?. L. T. Parker, Eds. Columbia University Press, pp. 3-15. , and Unwin, D. (2003): Geographic Information Analysis. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley.

This description is a good basis to formulate and model context; however, “any information” is a very broad and hazy term that has to be made more concrete. A suitable completion to Dey and Abowd’s description is the concept of Dix et al. (2000). It differentiates between several types of context and makes clear what sort of information is necessary to give a complete description of context. They distinguish a more technical context (infrastructure and system context), a domain 40 Doris DRANSCH context, and a physical context.

The following paragraphs unfold a concept about activity, context and their relations. 1 Activity In common sense, activity means all what we do; for example driving a car, planning a route to a selected destination, looking for a place in a map, or detecting a map symbol on a mobile device. On a more precise look the given examples show that activities are different not only in their doing but also on a formal level. They can be differentiated in manual and cognitive actions and they can be described at different hierarchical levels.

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Map-based Mobile Services: Theories, Methods and by Liqiu Meng, Alexander Zipf, Tumasch Reichenbacher
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