By George Campbell
The revised moment version of Measures and Metrics in company Security is an essential advisor to making and coping with a safety metrics application. Authored by means of George Campbell, emeritus college of the protection govt Council and previous leader protection officer of constancy Investments, this e-book indicates find out how to increase security's final analysis and upload worth to the enterprise. It offers quite a few organizational measurements, recommendations, metrics, symptoms and different standards which may be hired to constitution measures and metrics application versions applicable to the reader's particular operations and company sensitivities.
There are numerous hundred examples of protection metrics incorporated in Measures and Metrics in company Security, that are geared up into different types of protection prone to permit readers to customise metrics to satisfy their operational wishes. additionally provided with the booklet (hosted on a significant other web site) are PowerPoint slide decks which could aid practitioners construct their metrics shows and supply principles approximately what might be measured.
Measures and Metrics in company Security is part of Elsevier's defense government Council hazard administration Portfolio, a set of genuine international strategies and "how-to" guidance that equip executives, practitioners, and educators with confirmed details for profitable safety and chance administration courses.
- Describes the fundamental elements of a metrics application, in addition to the company context for metrics
- Provides directions to aid safety managers leverage the volumes of knowledge their defense operations already create
- Identifies the metrics safeguard executives have stumbled on are inclined to most sensible serve security's specified (and frequently misunderstood) missions
- Includes 375 genuine examples of protection metrics throughout thirteen categories
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Security executives too often fail to focus on measuring (and reporting) on their programs’ cost and definable value and the essential requirement to connect those programs to their customer’s needs. The demonstration of best in class invariably imposes a body of key performance metrics and indicators as evidence of quantifiable excellence. 92105, January–February, 1992. 2 Analysis of Security Programs and Services—cont’d Availability of comparable best-in-class security practices + + Ability to perform activity-based task analysis and costing Notable benefit from process defect identification and elimination ++ + ++ Benefit from reduced cycle time Availability and reliability of measurements and metrics + ++ ++ ++ + Measurable improvement in essential knowledge ++ Notable benefit from improved training and employee involvement ++ ++ + ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ 12 CHAPTER 1 The Basics The risk management context for metrics Consider this: It is only because there are unacceptable risks that the cost of a security program is tolerated.
Winning with Quality, Addison-Wesley, 1995. com/strategy/2004/11/swamped/. Good metrics are SMART measure that which tells them how well their security processes are working and those things that are important to their constituents. They do not waste precious time collecting and massaging data simply because it is there. They pick the few metrics that matter and reach out to a motivated assistant or someone in another department who can help them with organizing and presenting the data. Making the book work for you This book is meant to be a collaborative work in progress.
Historically, the majority of our fire laws followed the 1942 Cocoanut Grove nightclub fire in Boston. Likewise, Executive Order 13224 (blocking terrorist property and assets), Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards, Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, the TSA HAZMAT Endorsement Threat Assessment Program, and the Maritime Transportation Security Act were all in response to the 9/11 attacks. And the Sarbanes–Oxley Act came on the heels of the Enron scandal (and others). Even our current privacy and information security regulations were enacted after a flood of identity thefts.
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